Thursday, November 7, 2013

Toddler's Nature Trip

Who would have thought that a Garden would be this appealing to kiddos like me? For toddlers or young children who have not yet discovered their ability to plant and grow seeds, you might think that a Trip to San Diego Botanic Garden might be a little off for them. I thought so too...until I finally stood infront of marvelous Dragon trees (Dracaena draco)...and this was my favorite spot at the Canary Islands Gardens.

Dragon Tree at the Canary Islands Gardens

Normally, I would drag my parents to the playground right away, but surprisingly not in this area.  I suddenly became like a curious scientist and stared at the plants around me.  I saw a couple of Photographers, who seemed to be zooming their lenses to get close-up images of the leaves and branches of trees.  I thought it would be great to show here what we took pictures of.  It's amazing that my dad was able to capture birds and bees that appeared to be enjoying the company of such attractive flowers!

Then as my family explored the place, we followed a woman pushing her child on a stroller to a walkway that leads to yet another beautiful spot that caught my attention. There was a Victorian-looking Gazebo as the highlight of the walled garden.  I thought this is a nice venue for special events.  Just then I overheard my mom saying that SD Botanic Garden hosts Weddings and Birthdays.  This is great location if your Aunts, Cousins, Family Friends or Relatives are in search for a secluded place yet outdoor with the feel of Nature!

I saw other kids enjoying the place too!  I know that walking during the day could be tiring, but I guess the fine weather in San Diego really makes every tour worthwhile.  Plus having tall trees and lush tropical plants around really makes the atmosphere cozy and kid-friendly.

There was a cute wooden gate, that looked as if it was really built for kids.  Beyond that entrance, are a lot more eye-catching, colorful and vibrant flowers! Fuchsia Pink, Violet, Lavander, Lilac, Magenta, Bright Yellow, Deep Orange, Periwinkle Blue...NAME IT!  I will run out of specific adjectives to describe the exact shades of each petal I have seen here.  Beware Moms, your kids might be tempted to pick some of them from the stems.  And don't worry if you wanted to bring home some, there's a section of the Garden where you can buy your choice of plants.

Aside from the awesome flowers, there was also a must-see waterfalls from an overlooking fence. Just be careful kiddos!

As you tour the San Diego Botanic Garden, you will be amazed with not just the "living things" but also Works of Art that were really uniquely created.  There were Mosaics made out of pieces of tiles, rock formations and other handmade objects.  The Art pieces are accompanied by a plaque that features the Artist's name, a short description of the product and usually shows the amount with tax for interested buyers.  Available Artworks for sale can be inquired through SD Botanic Garden's office.

I just want to share my favorite one from my dad's collection of photos taken from our trips.  It is called the "Bench" by Alber de Matteis, a  powder-coated steel which really stood out at the Garden!

This Blog Post about our Nature Trip will be filled with beautiful photos if I will upload all of the amazing shots we took, so I just picked a few of the best to give you an idea of the place and make you want to discover it yourself.

Eventhough I said that the Garden is enjoyed by Adults and Children alike, it is great to tell you that there is really a Special Part of SD Botanic Garden meant for the Kids and must be visited on this trip.  You will surely be given a map by the entrance to help you explore the place.  But anyway, after your mom or dad unwind at the Nature area...It's all about kids this time!  Go to Hamilton Children's Garden!

Did you know that you can celebrate your Birthday Party at the San Diego Botanic Garden?  For Kids aged 5-12, the Hamilton Children's Garden is a more appropriate venue.  It looks like a Nature Museum outdoors!  There are so much hands-on activities for kids to explore and get busy with, or I should say even get their hands dirty with!  Plants all over the place, highlighted by the Interactive Tree House that is both a Playground and Educational venue where kids can play with unique musical instruments, climb up through ropes and net and lead you to hanging bridge and slides or simply unwind at the benches or Giant Wooden Chairs that made me imagine being "Goldilocks" sitting on Papa Bear and Mama Bear's huge chairs.  This is also where you can stay put while your mom or dad go for a bathroom break, which is close by.  For younger children aged 1-6, there is also the Seeds of Wonder , which is meant for Pre-School kids.  The Garden offers age-appropriate activities such as Toddler Tales and Tunes every Tuesdays, Garden Arts and Crafts every Wednesdays and Trains, Paints and Plants every Thursdays.  Be sure to check out the Time Schedule.

As you leave San Diego Botanic Garden,  you Kiddos and your Mom or Dad both have precious moments to cherish from this trip. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Zoom Into SD Zoo

Did you miss out on #kidvasion that happens during the whole month of October in San Diego?  Oh well, it is November now and the amazing privileges such as Free Admission given to us kiddos in almost all of the Must-See Attractions in San Diego, California like San Diego Zoo have gone by...

San Diego Zoo Zebras

but not to worry... There's so much more to look forward to in America's Finest City!  For one, being blessed with a close-to-perfect climate all year-round is Priceless!  Hanging-out at the playground or unwinding by the beach, enjoying the sunny but breezy weather is already worth the trip, what more if you get to visit Tourist Destinations, Historical Landmarks and Famous Theme Parks with your family.

If you have read my previous Blog Post, I kinda mentioned that I'm not a Zoo person. Might be because of the long tiring walks, the smell or simply that I am not so fond of wild animals...I guess all of us are just curious to look at them...but do you really want this lion to stare at you?

lion king

But if you are visiting San Diego, California for the first time, you should check out SD Zoo at least once.  I've also mentioned in my previous post that one thing special about this zoo is having Bai Yun, the First Successfully Born cub by a Giant Panda at the Wolong Giant Panda Research Center China.

Panda Bear

Guess what, if you follow the Instagram of @SanDiegoZoo,
you would be excited to know that it regularly announces Instagram Challenge wherein a "phone-ographer"(as they call it) who hashtags
a picture or video of kids' encounter with the zoo animals could win a weekly Special Zoo Package such as Backstage Pass or Behind-the-Scenes Pass for 4 during the Kids Free Month.

I actually saw some Instagramers, who posted photos of their encounter with Giraffe, Polar Bear, Turtles and more.

San Diego Zoo

There were also some who shared photos taken by the Cheetah Run or Safari Park Ride and seeing Rhinos up close.

Why am I telling this eventhough October is over?  It's because SD Zoo has regular Promotions like this as done last Summer with their #Nighttimezoo theme and now #kidsfree.  Who knows, it will announce something for the Holidays?!  And as promised, I will show more photos of different kinds of animals I encountered while touring the Zoo with my family.

You will easily see the Peacocks that are located at the front as you enter.  With their vibrant colors and "show-off" mood while freely roaming the walkways of the zoo, opening their wings every now and then, they surely catch everyone's attention.

A little walk down the road, you will appreciate San Diego Zoo more for having the largest colony of koalas.  I was told by my mom that it has the most number of koalas born outside Australia which was about 123 "joeys" or counting maybe. They are nice to look at while some are climbing fresh branches and eating eucalyptus leaves and others are sleeping.  I saw from the +San Diego Zoo website that they want to give back to the koalas and provide them a new home. So if you want to be a part of Koala conservation, @SanDiegoZoo is accepting donations for this cause.

Below are more pictures of different species found at San Diego Zoo.  Let me know which one is your favorite okay?

Pink Flamingos

Polar Bear in Sunny San Diego?! YES it is!  But San Diego Zoo sure knows how to treat them well!  This place is made to seem like the Arctic, as if they are in their own Tundra habitat.  (or at least from what I observed).  I saw them at the pool, where there is both underwater viewing room and outdoor viewing that follows the water level upto the beach area.

Polar Bear
Polar Bear at the Conrad Prebys Polar Bear Plunge


Another Favorite of kiddos like me is the Giant Elephant statue. I run underneath its huge legs while other kids climb up to its tusks.  I wonder if we will all still surround it if it is alive?! I don't think so!

giant elephant

So what else can kids do at the San Diego Zoo?  I find it cool to be able to check out and ride the blue helicopter parked near the arctic area.  Boys and Girls alike took turns to have a feel of being a chopper pilot or at least to take pictures.

There's a Souvenir Shop where kiddos like me can buy cuddly stuff toys that resemble the zoo animals like polar bear, owl, etc. or scan through the pages of Books and choose what to buy as keepsake of the tour.

Souvenir Shop

Taken Outside San Diego Zoo
as we paid for Admission Ticket

Elephant OdysseySan Diego Zoo

Just a piece of Friendly advice, visit the Zoo if you have School-aged Children.  It will surely be an Educational and Exciting Trip for them, but not for babies or toddlers.  I witnessed the burden of parents pushing strollers and carrying babies and holding older siblings by the other hand.  Yes, you could ride the Bus Tour, but imagine folding the strollers or carrying them and kids by the steps.  There's an escalator to transfer to the other part of the Zoo but after that are stairs again.

san diego map
san diego escalator

The last section of the Zoo that we visited is the Lost Forest with the Glass Viewing of animals.  I saw some Turtles and Warthog or Visayan Warty Pig and Albino Burmese Python.

Albino Burmese Python

I got too tired and hungry already.  I don't know why food at the zoo did not seem appealing to me that our family decided to just go out and look for a great Fine Dining restaurant.  But if you will copy us, be sure to put time allowance to find your desired restaurant outside Balboa Park, because it will be a long search for the nearest one.

san diego zoo elephant

Again, eventhough I'm not a Zoo Person, I can say that visiting San Diego Zoo is Worth the Trip!  It is not as dirty, not as smelly or filthy as other zoos. So for Animal lovers, Researchers or Adventurers, I recommend to pay a visit to San Diego Zoo +San Diego Zoo and take pictures like what my family and I did as remembrance of my daily travels.  You too can make a difference...
By the way, Follow me at Instagram @kiddoinsandiego and Stay tuned for my next San Diego Trip Blog Post okay? HUGGY!